As I mentioned before: because he lives up in the frozen, barren wastelands of Canada where I can’t keep an eye on him, sometimes Scott likes to send me digital pictures of his drawing table to prove that he’s working on our story. He’s crazy like that.
That's a photo of the first ten pencilled pages of Lightning Girl Loves Rocket Boy. (Click to enlarge and see the art in its natural, massive glory.)
I've mentioned to Scott, whenever I look at the photo, I see eleven or twelve pages on that desk. He assures me that (as much as he would love to take credit for it) there are only ten there. I guess that I have to take his word for it, since he would know best exactly how many pages he's drawn so far. I mean, he's not accidentally drawing pages without realizing it, right? Right?
Yeah. So apparently, I'm just not very good at counting. (Which does not bode well for the fact that I am a Harvard Financial Officer. Huh.)
As a tease, I should mention that I have also seen the first five pages of the book pencilled, inked, grayscaled, and lettered. I have to say -- they look really sweet. Scott has managed to outdo himself once again. I fully intend to post those pages on the blog as a full preview of the comic in due time. That's right, I'm emulating the exemplary business model of schoolyard drug dealers across the country: I'm hoping to convince you guys to buy the book when it eventually comes out by giving away the first five pages for free! Can you feel the anticipation building? I sure hope so.
(You know, when I first posted a pic of Scott's drawing table, I had no idea that it was going to turn into a series. But we're all about rolling with the punches here at the Hypersmash Studios blog. Be like water, my friend.)
Okay, things are hoppin' around this old juke joint! In our next post, we feature Jeremiah Goldson's design sketches for Rogue Agent Zed. And this time time, he's not taking a leak. (That should really be the tagline for the book: "Rogue Agent Zed is back. And this time, he's not taking a leak!" That one's a keeper, right there.) See you soon!
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